Monday, June 15, 2015

Change is Coming!(?!)

I am about to venture into the world of parenting more than one child at a time.  I am SUPER excited for our new baby girl, and I'm the teensiest bit nervous about how I will successfully nurture, love, encourage, support, teach, discipline, and treasure two children at one time.  People have been doing it for tens of thousands of years, so I know that it is possible, but it seems like a big charge.  Life is going to change, and I'm doing my level best to get ready.

What things did you wish you knew before your second child joined your family?  How did you prepare (yourself, your marriage, your older child) for the transition?  What were some unexpected joys you found during that season?  I love hearing from other moms, so if any of these questions strike a chord with you, sound off below!

Can't wait to share some pics of M's big girl room and Baby E's nursery with you soon!  Things are coming together, people!

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